Community Impact

ARO is a club that falls under Community Impact at Columbia University; This page provides some information about them!


Advance the public good by engaging Columbia University students in high-quality service and in partnership with community organizations that meet critical community needs, develop student leadership, connect service learning, and foster an environment of mutual respect in the neighborhoods surrounding the University.

Core Values

The University communities, including students, faculty, staff, and community residents, are resources for meeting critical community needs through service.

Service learning is a powerful way to enhance academic work, and we believe that there should be strong links between education and service.

Helping students develop leadership and teamwork skills and encouraging them to make a lifetime commitment to service and civic responsibility through the programs of Community Impact

Valuing the voices and leadership of the students who serve and the members of the community in which they serve.

Fostering an environment of mutual respect and a common commitment to building a stronger community between the Columbia University community and those who live in the surrounding neighborhood.

Valuing collaboration with the agencies with which we work in the community and sharing with them a commitment to a stronger, healthier community.

Using resources as effectively as possible to meet critical community needs and continually improving our service to the community by evaluating our programs on a regular basis.